every one is siting in siting area…
bahiro – sab kaam tou anandi nai keya hai laken lagata hai hamray sir sai bhoja utaar gaya hai.chalou acha hai hamra jaitsir abb jilaa baan gaya hai,naya collector agyaa hai
ENGLISH VERSION(he says all the work was done and finished by anandi ,but feels like our responsiblity is done and over with,so gud now our jaitsir has turned into district and we have new collector)
DS- she is in the state of dream and romance,IN STATE OF PURE HIPNOTISUM LOLZZZ
she says all iss good and welll but what the main point and important factor is about this rangella(colourful) rajsthan is that collector saab,rangelaa rajsthan kaa bankaa roubilaa gabru jawan collector… (watch out the background music..it is so funny and idiotic and hillarious and face of bhairo..lolzzz..is like he has his hands full with the naughtiest child ever born)
BHAIRO – u again strted maa saa… …what are you thinking…in our society does any one leaves this kind of guy un-married huh! he must have been married by now and basant is smiling with funny and understanding face,sumitra is like with face expression yeh this is true and gahana little sad and confused
DS – her expresin before she strts the speach is like i am mother and you will eb always son
she is like oh!my son!what do you think.all this golden and silver hair i got it,it is from the goldsmith,no ways … dont even think of growing lemon and gifts in your palm bahiro and says our collector is kuwaraaa and she said by slaping her laps” he is still unmarried…” (hahahha the tuning in back ground is so hillarious like a 5year old boy asking a age old woman will u marry me…think of the shok the woman will feel at the marrige proposal,that was on the face of evry one)
sumitra – she is all shoked ans ask maa saa how do you know he is not married
DS- she is quit but express it by moving her head in yes..yes..yess… her face is all with like i m the best…heheheheehehe and basant is like what now..what has maa saa did now..he jsut hides his face with his hands and says oh!god!maa saa what have you done… and evry one is now all still and dont know what to say and what not to say,,,,,,,sumitra is like her mouth open and all in happy and shoking face…and all ask and basant specialy kee maa saa you havent done soem thing stupid naa…you just dint go and confronted him kee he married or not and all…DS is like,so what if she has asked..whats wrong in asking if he married and all…and he is not…devi maa has done good and wrote him for anandi…bahiro is like what has happened to you…who ever young man you see and you start thinking of him as groom for anandi…what is this childish behaviour…and sumitra is in another track…she is like then tou v.good then we can think of coupling them together…and he seems to be nice guys…bahiro is like whats hapening to evry one…this is not possible…DS is liek why not possible..whats wrong in thinking that..he is young single and all so quit handsome and good man…all agrees and bahiro is again adamant…he is like 1st shiv needs to be setteled down…we need to see and watch him..we need to be confermed he is good guy…and we dosent want to eb ashemed of any of this thing at latter stage in front of whole of the villagae…so stop all of you…but DS is like you are behaving like child,,whats wrong in thinking about him…but …BHAIRO – he is angry and says evry one to stop it…he is so adamant not to think abotu this match making at the moment..he wants shiv to settel 1st down,to understand his responsiblities to know what he has to do and what not and more over he need to knwo bout the problems of jaitsir…but sumitra is like who is better then our own anandi to tell him evry single details about us and jaitsir and all the problem of it…and ds agrees with her..but bhairo is damant and says why maa saa is behaving like a kid and sumitraa wht happened to you..you also thinking and talking without knowledge..he is collector ..how it is possible to have this match making..no ways…dont even think about it…and bhairo gets up and leves the living area…and after him leaves sumitraa to make bahiro understand this match making is perfect…and then basant gets up and then gahan too goes to make basant understand to think bout this match making…
DS – she is watching all of them leave and their wife taging along to make their respective hubby understand kee shiv and anandi perfect couple… (the scene is all serious as bahiro and basant left but lolzzz…she still has the soul of all the world clowns in her..she is still in comedian and match making mood and this starts with all commedy back goround music … )
she says to her self bhairo we havent turned into kid but its you who is behaving like a kid…if you dont want this match making come true then no problem but ..i m still here and i will make it possible by hook or crook …if you say he is collector then our anandi is sirpunch…and she sayss..nanhi see sirpanchnee(small see cute see beautiful see sirpanchnee) and gabru sajelou bankaa jawan collector…and she again dreams of him in groom dreesss…she is in trnace complitely in love with shiv and again says ANANDI SHIV RAJ SHEKHAR…ANANDI SHIV…looks so heavy and beautiful…THE NAME MATCHES AND SUITS OUR ANANDI PERFCTLY…and then promise her self i will make this reunion come true…any way possible i will make it happen FOR MY ANANDI AND HER HAPINESSS
evry one is sleeping..bhairo phone rings,sumitra too gets up and ask who is calling at this hour of night,bahiro says call is off international no. and then remember about masiijii and says if its kishore or soem thing happens to masiji..sumitra says pik up and see hwo is it..bhairo piks up and its kishore…he just listens and says hunn! hann! and then next scene is bahiro knocking on maa saa door..she opens and ask what is hapening…and evry one – basant,gahana,sumittra and then bahiro..DS is worried whats goin on…bhairo says kishore called from America and before he can complete DS is like jejee is alright naa nothing happened to her naa…bhairo is like nah!she is recovering quit nicely but the problem is kishore d-in-law is pregenant…and agter long time she is able to keep the child intanct without miscarige and its full time..so kishore wife has to leave…basant ask dosent kishore son beendree(bride)have her own mother…and bhairo says nah!thats why kishor wife has to leave imediately for india..now who will take care of masiji so he called if any one can come over and help us some how ,so all are in great tension..who will go..and anandi enters and ask what happened…so they explain anandi what has happened…DS says let her go…bahiro says its not india kee she can be easily left in city,its abroad and then language problem too…and then gahana…but nanadu needs help here and home too..anandi says let her go…and all says no…lolzzz DS expression is off no ways (lolzzz…she cant even imagine anandi leaving as she again is back on hatching and ploting scheme she is like if she goes what will happen to her love match making…) she instantly changes her track and says she is sirpunch..she cant go..then sumitra says…let her go..all are happy with this arengment and says yes she can take well care of masi ji and she knows english also ..so tis decided she will go,anandi offer her help to come and pack her belonging…
anandi,sumitra and gehana ..they paking and talking…and suddenly gahan remebers that last tiem DS went to mumbai(bombay)she came back in complete change over… and she makes fun of sumitra …saying when she will return she too will be in complete change over..hopefully saree like DS or je…sumtra smiles and says u naaa…and then sumitra gets worry hwo she will manage with language and all…will she be able to understand what they all speak their…and anandi says no student should speak negative in front of her teacher about what she has been taught…and she says might be she will get difficult in begning but then if she hears nicely she will be able to understand what they are saying and wil understand easily…and all smiles
sumitra gets to meet bhairo..and he is emotinal and gives her a family portrait with lots of love and says her to remember we all love her and waiting for her return as soon as possible…
sumitra is saying good by to all…and then hears DS voice kee come out soon..road dosent belong to her nor the aero- plane… before leving sumitra goes inisde her home tempel and ask the blessing of maa durga..and says to take care of evry one at home and specialy of anandi and to give her the hapiness she deserve and give her all…
evry one is ready and sumitra too…and DS is like bring jiji back so that i can hear soem harsh and biiter word from her and i can say soem to her too and to take care of herself and she is hugging evry one and tuching legs of basant and cries leaving anandi and evry one is very sad and tearry eyes
PRECAP – DS made anandi cook food and says to her to pack it in good tiifin,,,and anandi packs and give the tiffin to DS and DS is like what she will do with this tiffin..its she who has to take it to shiv and give her…anandi is non-plused..aghast whats goin on with DS…lolzzz…DS is like go and give him and be ready and wear proper dress and she pushes not too relucant anandi sinde room to change and wear soem thing beautiful so that she looks beautiful and then go and meet shiv
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