
Saas Bina Sasural 16th May 2012 Written Update

The episode begins with Tej asking Toasty not to look at him like that. He did not cause the accident, Prachin did. If she wants to give a look, give it to him.
Toasty tells him that she knows Prachin made a mistake and he should be punished and told off, which you did. But like this? There may have been an accident but no one got hurt. Everyone’s safe, isn’t that the most important thing?
Tej tells her that should he have waited for an accident to occur before getting angry at him? He goes on about how the car hasn’t been there for even a day and there’s a dent.
The scene shifts to Dada Ji, Ved and Pashu, in Dada Ji’s room. Ved says it’s only a dent. Tej didn’t need to get that angry. Dada Ji says that sometimes materialistic things become more important to some people. He takes Tej’s example and says that the car has become more important to him than his brother.
Pashu says that Tej was wrong. Prachin felt bad and he understands. And who doesn’t have an accident? And Ved agrees saying that no one does it on purpose.
The scene shifts back to Tej and Toasty, with Tej saying that he knows that he didn’t do it on purpose, he’s still a kid, etc, etc. But he’s in the wrong. He kept insisting to drive, even though he doesn’t know how to drive. And I’m an idiot, I gave him the keys to drive. He ruined the new car. Toasty pipes in: so if it was old then it would have been okay? Tej gives her a look as she continues: Prachin is upset on two things, one; the accident and two; your reaction. She tells him to go and talk to his brother. Otherwise he’ll lose confidence when it comes to driving. Tej can’t believe what Toasty’s saying so he puts on his sarcastic mode. He asks her: is that always your solution?
The scene goes to Dada Ji’s room again, with him saying: there’s always a solution. And there is a solution for this problem. He tells them to get rid of the reason there is all these problems. Pashu asks what he means. Dada Ji tells him that it’s all because of the money. He tells them that the remaining money should be given as an offering. He says that because the money came in the wrong way and if they get rid of that money, then their peace and happiness will return to the house.
Pashu disagrees; he doesn’t understand how money can be the root of all evil. He believes that wasting money is the root of all evil. He goes on to say that if they disrespect the Goddess Laxmi, then obviously she’ll get upset. And we didn’t go and buy the ticket ourselves. The Goddess Laxmi came to us herself. We should look after the money incase time of need. But the recent generation is to waste money. We survived without a car for so long. If the money is spent then there’s no problem.
Tej tells Toasty that he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. What if he hit someone? It’s a good idea that he becomes scared of driving. At least he’ll learn to drive properly. Tej then says to tell him not to touch his car in future. Toasty turns to look at him, in disbelief. Never before had there been yours and mine before in the house. What’s this new thing? She tells him that since they’ve got the money, everyone’s become selfish and distant but she won’t let it happen.
Dada Ji tells Ved that Pashu doesn’t understand, that saving the money is also greediness. He goes on to compare him to Chedi. He can try and be like his father but he doesn’t have Chedi’s brains. He knows when and how to spend and when and how to save.
The next morning Nitika comes into the kitchen as Toasty is making yoghurt and sugar for Gyaan. Nitika tells her that he has already left but Toasty says he can’t have left for his exam without having the yoghurt and sugar since it’s auspicious. Nitika assures her that he has gone and she goes to see that he really has gone.
She spots his clipboard and pencil case and wonders how careless he is. Nitika tells Toasty that she’ll go to the school to give the things and meet his teacher as she said asked to meet her. The two of them disagree about who will go and Nitika assures her that she’ll go to the school on the way to work.
Tej gets out of his car and meets two of his friends. They complement his new car and tell him he has to give them a party for it. They keep pestering him to give them a party and compare him to Pashu being greedy as Tej laughs. He agrees to a party and they make plans for the evening. He goes into the shop and Pashu tells him not to waste money on such friends.
The next scene is of Nitika meeting Gyaan’s teacher. The teacher tells Nitika that Gyaan is not in school, because there are no classes and exams are happening since he can’t take the exam because of his arm’s fracture. She asks if she brought Gyaan’s medical reports. Nitika assures her that Gyaan is not hurt and she must be mistaken. The teacher tells her that she is talking about the same Gyaan and Nitika is in shock. Nitika thinks back to the previous day and Gyaan’s behaviour.
Nitika tells the teacher that he has lied to the pair of them. Maybe he isn’t prepared for the exam. The teacher tells Nitika that the school can take strict action against Gyaan and even rusticate him from the school.
After the break Tej walks into the house and Gyaan asks him for money for a party. Tej tells him he doesn’t have money either and Pashu has told him not to give anyone any treat. Gyaan encourages him to give their friends a treat. Malti walks out with the tiffins and asks where Toasty is told that she’s resting and goes to see her.
Gyaan tries his chance with Malti and asks for money for a book. She goes to get it, and he runs to see Dada Ji and asks for money from him aswell, for the same reason.
Next scene is Tej with his “friends”. His friends tease him about his “greedy” brother sending him only with 500 rs. He tells his friends that he doesn’t want any alcohol. But his friend spikes his orange juice without him knowing.
He tells them about how Pashu and he had a disagreement about the car. Tej drinks the orange juice hesitantly. He tells them that he hasn’t told Pashu about the party. His friend tells him that he doesn’t need to answer anyone and that he stop being Lakshman and that he should make his own decisions. Tej is shown to be in deep thinking mode. They urge tell him to drink the drink and he picks up the glass and does what he’s told.
Precap: Malti and Prachin tell Pashu to let Gyaan in the house as he is hungry. Tej brings him inside, him being drunk and says that he doesn’t care what anyone says.

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